What is Beard Transplant?

Even though it has been performed quite a lot in recent years, this method is indeed a treatment method that has been done for a long time. If we are to explain this method simply, we can say that it is the hair transplantation method that is applied on the face area.

Beard scarcity, like hair scarcity, is not an issue that has only to do with age. The medication that is taken, hormonal problems, certain diseases and blights and many other things can cause scarcity of beards. Sometimes genetic factors can be important as well.

How is Beard Transplant Applied?

Beard transplant is an operation that is quite similar to hair transplant. FUE method is also used in this transplant operation. Beard transplant operation is performed by using micro engines in the face which create channels and the patients do not feel pain or aching during the operation as local anaesthetics have been applied prior to the operation. In this operation, grafts which are taken from the previously determined donor area are carried to areas where beard is scarce. The donor area is usually the nape area, yet, in some circumstances, another area of the beard can be chosen as the donor area.

If the patient does not have a beard at all, an average of 3000 grafts need to be transplanted. Based on the density of beard the patient would like to have, this number can decrease or increase. If the person has a beard but it is scarce, in this case, usually transplanting an average of 1000 grafts is enough.

After the Beard Transplant

Following the beard transplant operation, the patients are usually discharged the same day and the patients need to follow the advices the doctor has given them during the procedure. Thus, they will have an easier and faster healing process. After the operation;

  • The areas where hair is transplanted must not be washed for 24 to 48 hours.
  • Just like in hair transplantation, in areas where beard is transplanted acne-like red occurrences can be observed and this is nothing to worry about. This is only caused by the medicinal devices and the method that is used during the operation. In addition, the face is structurally quite fragile, and this is why the patients need to listen to everything the doctor says and follow them to a t. For it take its ultimate state can take up to 8-12 months.
  • It is appropriate that the beard is cut down with scissors approximately a month after the operation.

Who Can Get Beard Transplants?

Beard transplant is an operation that can be administered to anyone who thinks their beard is scarce or who does not have any beard at all, and it is approved by hormonal tests that their hormonal balance is normal, and who does not take any medication or get treatment (such as chemotherapy) that leads to hair loss. In addition, persons who would like to have this operation need to have passed their adolescence stage.

Advantages of Beard Transplant

  • After this procedure, the beards of the patients will have a thicker and better look.
  • Redness that occurs during the operation does not offend the eyes thanks to the beard and the patient’s beard does not have a “transplant look”.
  • Beard transplant operation is one that usually does not take much time and the after-care following the operation is quite easy. Patients can easily do their own care themselves.

Beard Transplant Cost

To sum up all this informations; according to the accepted opinion, beard is associated with the masculanity. Thats why men choose this operation and after that, their self confidence increasing significantly. Because of the growing demand, bear transplant cost increased as is the case with hair transplant operation.